Old School DC Annuals

Not to go into details because reasons including I don't think the internet needs to know and it's not healthy to dwell on it, but my Mum died recently, which meant I got some of my old stuff back I didn't even know she still had.

Included in the old stuff were several Annuals, yearly books which are based from weekly comics such as Beano, Dandy, Whizzer and Chips, etc. A couple of them are from my early DC days when I'd been a fan of Superman, Batman and even Wonder Woman for a while and they're called The Super Heroes.

There are four stories in each annual, but feature pretty much all the characters you see on the cover. In the 1982 annual, Mister Miracle is featured in a Superman story and the Justice League of America (JLA) story is one from 1969 which introduces Mind-Grabber Kid.

The 1983 annual starts with a JLA story and a special guest star in the team, Green Lantern of the 73rd Century. A Wonder Woman text story (just words, no pictures or comic book style) written by Kelvin Gosnell is in there, too.

For fans of The Atom, there's a story which happens not long after Justice League #157 where Jean Loring became Mrs Ray Palmer and the story is "Miniature War of the Bat-Knights". The annuals brought back the memories of mini-geek-me and when I had some of the original models of things back then.

The old Batmobile (1960's TV version), the Space 1999 ship, a whole load of Star Wars stuff including the Millennium Falcon and so on. It's hard to find classic stuff like this any more, nobody ever thought about things being so collectible which is why you don't see much of it.


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